Minesh Ghandi - India Edition
Minesh Gandhi is the founder managing director and promoter of Mira Inform Private Limited, Mira Inform Japan Limited and Mira Inform America. His foresight and vision to recognise the emergence of credit information reporting as a business led him to establish a proprietary concern – Mercantile Information & Reference Agency (MIRA) in 1978 (when he was a college student) and later a joint stock company in 1983 under the name and style of MIRA INFORM PRIVATE LIMITED (www.mirainform.com) This was an era when everybody knew everyone and no one was ready to pay for business information in this country. Since then, over a period of three decades, he has been instrumental in transforming MIRA INFORM into a million dollar company. Under his leadership, MIRA INFORM has recently won the prestigious IIMM Award (the Indian Institute of Materials Management) for its outstanding performance in the category Service Sector (medium size).
He has a background in commerce and finance having graduated in financial management from Mumbai University. He has over 35 years of experience in the Business Information field. He regularly writes a Monthly Newsletter which is read by nearly 2 million readers globally. He has travelled in India and overseas to more than 30 countries and established a network of professionals across the globe.
He regularly gets invitations either as a speaker or as a guest from trade and business communities, including educational institutes such as St. Gallen University, St. Gallen, Switzerland.
www.mirainform.com mineshgandhi@mirainform.com