The story of Happy Customers Faster Cash
"Happy Customers Faster Cash" started as a single book project in 2011. Originally, the book was published in Dutch, intended to help upcoming professionals active in accounts receivable and business owners to learn various practical skills and insights about customer communication and what we call financial customer relationship management (fCRM). The Dutch edition was the basis for the translation and adaptation of the English version. Working together with Cliff Wynn, a seasoned expert in the field from the United Kingdom, it took almost two years before the first English edition was ready for publication. Then the project went into the next stage by approaching credit management experts from different countries, who were asked to write chapters about their practical experience in credit management in their own country. Over the years, this ultimately lead to ten country editions and that number will grow further in the coming years.
As practitioners in credit management we do not only learn by training, but also by experience. However, that can sometimes be a hard and time consuming lesson. Regardless whether you a new in the field or a seasoned professional, "Happy Customers Faster Cash" can effectively help you to speed up your learning curve or serve as a refresher and possibly gain a few new insights as a bonus. In short, Happy Customers Faster Cash offers:
- 33 practical tips on communication with customers for (small) business owners (B2B), credit controllers and credit managers;
- 12 most frequently used excuses for late payment and how to deal with them;
- 18 practical figures and models;
- And much more.
The second edition is the result of close collaboration with Michael C. Dennis, a renowned expert in corporate credit risk management from the United States. So what's new?
- A new chapter on KPIs;
- Many new practical examples added;
- Various improvements in text and layout.
What's next?
Happy Customers Faster Cash as a series will continue to expand with new country editions and further expansion of the content of the book. We hope that Happy Customers Faster Cash will ultimately be a primer for every credit management professional and business owner (B2B) around the globe. After all, no matter in which country you do business, we all want to get paid on time and maintain positive relationships with our customers. This book is written to help you to achieve that goal!